2023 AAEEBL Workshop

Link to STUDENT PANEL and ONLINE Presentations from AAEEBL ONLINE https://oeschminoriupui.wordpress.com/2022-student-panel/

PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP, Wednesday, July 19, 9-12:00, @KPU in Richmond, BC

Room 1950

Fusing High-Impact Practices to Expand Access and Equity: Blending ePortfolios and Project-Based Learning in Common Intellectual Experiences

Debbie Oesch-Minor (IUPUI) djoeschm@iu.edu

In 2020, Julie Lindquist, renown rhetorician at Michigan State University, suggested that faculty revisit and question the idea that “teaching inclusively is (only) a matter of teaching ‘about’ diversity, rather than a matter of creating storied learning experience, or making good on the ones students have.” Lindquist’s suggestion echoes the sentiments of Mary Louise Pratt’s keynote address at the 1990 Responsibilities for Literacy Conference. Pratt recognizes the valuable tools schools give to students but found it “unforgivable that schooling itself” gives students nothing meaningful to do with these tools and knowledge. I propose that ePortfolios combined with other High Impact Practices [HIPs] can cultivate rich experiences that build on what students want to know as faculty design storied learning experiences. These storied learning experiences include networking with community stakeholders and the community-experiential learning opportunity is foundational to the curriculum as faculty design effective frameworks for engaged learning. These projects anchored on experiential learning are a critical component as faculty challenge students to move beyond rote memorization to address complex problems.

Through this innovative PBL/ePortfolio curricular model, students research, experience, draft and revise meaningful, storied projects that engage personal interests, and connect with a community stakeholder, while students develop mastery of core-course concepts.

Part of the success of this curriculum is that it fuses rhetorical awareness, course goals, and student agency. D. Cambridge, B. Cambridge, and K. Blake Yancey (2009) verity that “students demonstrate their own development and self-awareness of where they came from and where they are going in their learning” through ePortfolio reflections (p. Xii). The metacognitive nature of ePortfolio retrospectives provide built-in, required activities that challenge students to make these connections.


SHOWCASE of STUDENT/TEAM PROJECTS in W231 PROFESSIONAL WRITING SKILLS https://getengaged.iupui.edu/showcase/2022/project-based-learning/english-w231-professional-writing-skills/index.html The showcase includes student-team projects from Spring 2022. Students landed local clients, met with clients, completed online/database research and a local study, then composed a formal recommendation report for their client. Each team created a project-oriented ePortfolio to share their work, introduce the team, and provide transparency into each phase of the teams’ projects. NOTE: Some students also compiled a course-oriented ePortfolio in this course; link to Jada’s W231 Course ePortfolio https://jw1416.wixsite.com/w23-eportfolio

IUPUI STUDENT with BEFORE/AFTER SLIDE-IMAGE Visual to illustrate the way a TEMPLATE can be modified to create a completely different aesthetic for a website: SPECIAL THANKS TO VALERIE EIKENBERRY for sharing her course-oriented ePortfolio for a first-year, Covid disrupted, writing class https://valerieeikenberryiu.wixsite.com/eportfolio/copy-of-film-review-2

AUBURN STUDENT ePortfolio, then a PROFESSIONAL Website for his research lab: Meet MIKE, MICHAEL A. PEREZ the STUDENT https://map08g.wixsite.com/eportfolio -AND- Dr. PEREZ’s website for ConstructionStormwaterStudio https://map08g.wixsite.com/cswl

IUPUI STUDENT/TEAM in W231 Professional Writing Skills, project-oriented ePortfolio, shared with a campus/community client; website design by JADA WHITE https://jw1416.wixsite.com/my-site




New Worlds of Errors and Expectations:

Basic Writers and Digital Assumptions

Marisa A. KlagesJ. Elizabeth Clark

Journal of Basic Writing

Vol. 28, No. 1 (SPRING 2009), pp. 32-49 (18 pages)https://www.jstor.org/stable/43443872


Buck Institute: What is PBL https://www.pblworks.org/what-is-pbl


OPEN WINDOW to BACKSTAGE WORK at IUPUI [live link for 24 hours only]

PBL Lab WORKING ePORTFOLIO for Summer 2023 https://sites.google.com/iu.edu/pblworkspace/home

LINK TO Process Oriented Learning Visuals: https://sites.google.com/iu.edu/pblworkspace/sandboxes/olivias-sandbox/pbl-process-visual-ideas

LINK TO IUPUI Working Drafts: PBL Process Visuals https://sites.google.com/iu.edu/pblworkspace?usp=sharing